If you received travel credit or a voucher for a canceled trip last year, it's time to read the fine print
If you received travel credit or a voucher for a canceled trip last year, it's time to read the fine print
With vaccination rates on the rise and cities reopening to visitors, millions of travelers who were issued credit or vouchers for trips that were canceled due to the pandemic are starting to pull up those emails and read the fine print.
Continue Reading . . . https://www.nbcnews.com/business/travel/if-you-received-travel-credit-or-voucher-canceled-trip-last-n1261558
With vaccination rates on the rise and cities reopening to visitors, millions of travelers who were issued credit or vouchers for trips that were canceled due to the pandemic are starting to pull up those emails and read the fine print.
Continue Reading . . . https://www.nbcnews.com/business/travel/if-you-received-travel-credit-or-voucher-canceled-trip-last-n1261558