
Amazon's 'The Boys' returns September 4th with weekly episode releases

Amazon's 'The Boys' returns September 4th with weekly episode releases One of Amazon’s tentpole Prime Video shows is finally close to resuming — though you’ll have to be patient if you want to see all of it. The service has revealed that the second season of The Boys will premiere on September 4th, but only the first three episodes. Continue Reading . . .

K-pop fans and TikTok teens say they reserved tickets for Trump’s Tulsa rally to leave seats empty

K-pop fans and TikTok teens say they reserved tickets for Trump’s Tulsa rally to leave seats empty As part of a coordinated effort, K-pop fans and teenage TikTok users scooped up tickets to President Trump’s Saturday rally in Tulsa, potentially leaving at least hundreds of empty seats, The New York Times reported. Continue Reading . . .

Adobe will tell you to uninstall Flash by the end of 2020

Adobe will tell you to uninstall Flash by the end of 2020 It’s no secret that Adobe will end support for Flash when 2020 is over, but now it’s evident just how aggressive that cutoff will be. Continue Reading . . .

Samsung Blu-ray players reportedly have stopped working but it’s not clear why

Samsung Blu-ray players reportedly have stopped working but it’s not clear why Samsung Blu-ray players appear to be malfunctioning for hundreds of users, and no one is sure what the issue is, ZDNet reported. Continue Reading . . .

Adobe's Exciting New Updates to Lightroom, Photoshop, and ACR

Adobe's Exciting New Updates to Lightroom, Photoshop, and ACR Adobe has released several impressive updates to its Creative Cloud programs, including Lightroom, Photoshop, and Adobe Camera Raw. Photoshop’s Select Subject tool has been steadily improving since the feature was first released. Continue Reading . . .

Apple’s App Store policies are bad, but its interpretation and enforcement are worse

Apple’s App Store policies are bad, but its interpretation and enforcement are worse I started this morning all riled up and ready to write a newsletter about how Google is using its market power in one segment — Gmail — to give itself a potentially unfair advantage in another segment: video conferencing. Continue Reading . . .

The T-Mobile and Sprint merger is already resulting in hundreds of layoffs

The T-Mobile and Sprint merger is already resulting in hundreds of layoffs Only a couple months after the merger between T-Mobile and Sprint was completed, the enormous combined telecom company has now announced layoffs affecting hundreds of Sprint employees. Continue Reading . . .