
Showing posts with the label telescope

NASA has finally launched the James Webb Space Telescope

NASA has finally launched the James Webb Space Telescope At long last, NASA has launched the James Webb Space Telescope. On Christmas morning, the telescope launched from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana on an Arianespace Ariane 5 rocket after 14 years of development and a number of delays. Continue Reading . . .

The world's largest telescope is edging closer to completion

The world's largest telescope is edging closer to completion This week, the University of Arizona's Steward Observatory Mirror Lab began work on the sixth of seven primary mirror segments for the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). On March 1st, the lab started heating its one-of-a-kind glass furnace to a temperature of 1,165 degrees Celsius. Continue Reading . . .

China's huge FAST telescope will open to scientists globally in April

China's huge FAST telescope will open to scientists globally in April China will open its 500-meter (1,600 foot) telescope to the global scientific community starting on April 1st, China’s Global Times reported. Continue Reading . . .