
Showing posts with the label spacecraft

Juno spacecraft to fly over Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

" On Monday, NASA’s Juno spacecraft will fly over one of Jupiter’s most distinguishable and intriguing features, its Great Red Spot. The Great Red Spot is actually a   10,000-mile-wide storm , meaning it could swallow Earth with 3,000 miles to spare. Scientists have been monitoring the storm for more than 100 years, and the swirling tempest may have started   much earlier . " - via Buffer

NASA seeks Jupiter's secrets with historic spacecraft flyover

NASA seeks Jupiter's secrets with historic spacecraft flyover " Every planet in our solar system is famous for something. Saturn has its rings, Mars has its soil, Uranus has that unfortunate name, and Jupiter has the Great Red Spot: a titanic storm that has been spinning for more than 350 years. Though we've peered at the distant gas giant's iconic feature since the 1830s, we still know little about its inner workings. That could change on Monday night, when the Juno spacecraft flies directly over the Great Red Spot for the first time in human history. " via Buffer