
Showing posts with the label power

Japanese satellite will beam solar power to Earth in 2025

Japanese satellite will beam solar power to Earth in 2025 LONDON — Japan is on track to beam solar power from space to Earth next year, two years after a similar feat was achieved by U.S. engineers. Continue Reading . . .

The biggest tech stories this morning.

The biggest tech stories this morning. Fusion energy could, possibly, meet all our energy demands. It’s just a not-so-simple matter of getting the process to work in a sustained way. Continue Reading . . .

Destiny 2 Now Lets You Level Up Super Fast

If you, like me, haven’t had the time or patience to keep up with the Destiny 2 grind, here’s some good news on this day full of new Gambit modes: You can now get all the way to 640 power in just an hour or two, as long as you have the game’s year two Annual Pass. from,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/dqmgjhxzxl5rmhst8udo.jpg