
Showing posts with the label malware

SoumniBot malware exploits Android bugs to evade detection

SoumniBot malware exploits Android bugs to evade detection A new Android banking malware named 'SoumniBot' is using a less common obfuscation approach by exploiting weaknesses in the Android manifest extraction and parsing procedure. Continue Reading . . .

New Android banking malware remotely takes control of your device

New Android banking malware remotely takes control of your device A new Android banking malware named Octo has appeared in the wild, featuring remote access capabilities that allow malicious operators to perform on-device fraud. Continue Reading . . .

A new Android spyware masquerades as a ‘system update’

A new Android spyware masquerades as a ‘system update’ Security researchers say a powerful new Android malware masquerading as a critical system update can take complete control of a victim’s device and steal their data. Continue Reading . . .

30K Macs are infected with ‘Silver Sparrow’ virus and no one knows why

30K Macs are infected with ‘Silver Sparrow’ virus and no one knows why Macs and viruses aren’t all that common, but the one that was recently discovered by researchers is even less so. Continue Reading . . .

Google Warning: Tens Of Millions Of Android Phones Come Preloaded With Dangerous Malware

Millions of shiny new Android smartphones are being purchased with dangerous malware factory-installed, according to Google's own security research team. There have been multiple headlines about the millions of harmful apps being installed from the Play Store, but this is something new. from