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How Trump Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations

How Trump Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations Online donors were guided into weekly recurring contributions. Demands for refunds spiked. Complaints to banks and credit card companies soared. But the money helped keep Donald Trump’s struggling campaign afloat. Continue Reading . . .

Amazon HQ employees can work from home until 'at least' October

Amazon HQ employees can work from home until 'at least' October Amazon’s Seattle headquarters is likely to be a lot emptier than usual until the fall, according to a new report from the Seattle Times. The e-commerce giant has reportedly told corporate staff that they have the option of working from home “at least until October 2nd. Continue Reading . . .

Massive ice sheet breaks away from Antarctica

" (CNN) A massive iceberg weighing more than one trillion tons has broken away from western Antarctica, according to a UK-based research team. Scientists from Project MIDAS had been monitoring a break in the Larsen C ice shelf -- the fourth-largest in Antarctica -- following the collapse of the Larsen A ice shelf in 1995 and had   observed significant advances   in the rift over the past 12 months.... " via Buffer