
Showing posts with the label europe

The 'world's safest city' for 2021 revealed

The 'world's safest city' for 2021 revealed Asian cities like Tokyo, Singapore and Osaka formerly occupied the top spots in the Economist's annual list of safe destinations, but Covid has turned the world on its head. Now a European city leads the pack in terms of resilience, security and wellbeing. Continue Reading . . .

Clear skies and social distancing help Europe shatter solar energy records

Clear skies and social distancing help Europe shatter solar energy records The coronavirus pandemic is helping multiple countries in Europe set new records for solar energy generation. Production in the UK peaked at 9.68 gigawatts on Monday, according to a tracker developed by The University of Sheffield in collaboration with the National Grid. Continue Reading . . .

France fines Google $167 million over unpredictable advertising rules

After a four-year investigation, France's competition watchdog is fining Google €150 million ($167 million) for opaque and unpredictable advertising rules, Reuters reports. The investigation began after French company Gibmedia accused Google of suspending its Google Ads account without notice. from