
Showing posts with the label energy

Scotland’s renewable energy matched 97 percent of demand in 2020

Scotland’s renewable energy matched 97 percent of demand in 2020 Back in 2011, Scotland set a green-energy related goal for itself: It aimed to generate the equivalent of 100 percent of the country's gross electricity demand from renewables by 2020. While the country failed to reach that objective, 97. Continue Reading . . .
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How governors are fighting for clean energy jobs

How governors are fighting for clean energy jobs A coalition of 25 governors today renewed calls for a green recovery to the economic downturn caused by COVID-19. They also called on Congress to pass a stimulus package that bolsters clean energy job growth. Continue Reading . . .

Clear skies and social distancing help Europe shatter solar energy records

Clear skies and social distancing help Europe shatter solar energy records The coronavirus pandemic is helping multiple countries in Europe set new records for solar energy generation. Production in the UK peaked at 9.68 gigawatts on Monday, according to a tracker developed by The University of Sheffield in collaboration with the National Grid. Continue Reading . . .

Energy Dept. rejects Trump’s request to name climate change workers, who remain worried

Reported by The Washington Post “President-elect donald trump is interviewed Saturday by Chris Wallace of “Fox News Sunday” in Trump Tower in New York. (Richard Drew/AP) Global warming — “it’s a hoax.” donald trump has said that more than once. So it’s understandable that the request by the president-elect’s transition team for the names of individual Energy Department employees and contractors who worked on the issue makes them worry that the trick could be on them……