
Showing posts with the label discovery

A mummy discovered in a vast burial ground of Egypt's pharaohs could change how ancient history is understood

A mummy discovered in a vast burial ground of Egypt's pharaohs could change how ancient history is understood An Egyptian mummy embalmed with advanced techniques is believed to be much older than initially thought. The discovery suggests sophisticated mummification skills were used 1,000 years earlier than previously believed. Continue Reading . . .

Newly Restored Pompeiian Frescoes Capture Hunting Scenes in Vivid Detail

Newly Restored Pompeiian Frescoes Capture Hunting Scenes in Vivid Detail The walls of Pompeii’s House of the Ceii are adorned with scenes of animals locked in battle, from a big cat on the verge of taking down a pair of rams to a deer looking back in terror as a wild boar gives chase. Continue Reading . . .

A 'Lamborghini' Of Chariots Is Discovered At Pompeii. Archaeologists Are Wowed

A 'Lamborghini' Of Chariots Is Discovered At Pompeii. Archaeologists Are Wowed Calling it an "exceptional discovery," researchers at Pompeii have announced the uncovering of an intact ceremonial chariot from a villa near the famous archaeological site. Continue Reading . . .