
Showing posts with the label co2

Nissan's improved hybrid car system reduces CO2 emissions

Nissan's improved hybrid car system reduces CO2 emissions Nissan has announced that it has achieved a 50 percent thermal efficiency for its next-generation e-Power hybrid technology. Continue Reading . . .

Scientists turn CO2 into jet fuel

Scientists turn CO2 into jet fuel Researchers may have found a way to reduce the environmental impact of air travel in situations when electric aircraft and alternative fuels aren’t practical. Continue Reading . . .

Nature is not healing

Nature is not healing Dolphins did not return to cleaner canals in Venice, Italy this year. Nor was the critically endangered Malabar civet spotted on the streets of Kerala, India. And, contrary to one meme, there definitely were not dinosaurs in Times Square. Continue Reading . . .

COVID-19 Could Permanently Transform Transportation

COVID-19 Could Permanently Transform Transportation COVID-19 has left city squares abandoned and our streets empty. Unemployment in the United States has already topped 15 percent, and the European Union’s economy is projected to shrink by more than 7 percent in 2020. Continue Reading . . .