
Showing posts with the label Trump

Trump Throws Tantrum After Piers Morgan Asks Him About 2020 Election Lies

Trump Throws Tantrum After Piers Morgan Asks Him About 2020 Election Lies Piers Morgan has for years been one of Donald Trump’s most vocal advocates in the United Kingdom. Their friendship may now be over. Continue Reading . . .

Lt. Col. Vindman: Trump ‘Absolutely’ at Fault for Russia's Ukraine Invasion

Lt. Col. Vindman: Trump ‘Absolutely’ at Fault for Russia's Ukraine Invasion “It’s because of Trump’s corruption that we have a less capable, less prepared Ukraine,” retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman told VICE News. Continue Reading . . .

100 Days Without Trump on Twitter: A Nation Scrolls More Calmly

100 Days Without Trump on Twitter: A Nation Scrolls More Calmly Democrats are breathing easier. Republicans are crying censorship. For all of the country’s news consumers, a strange quiet has descended after a four-year bombardment of presidential verbiage. Continue Reading . . .

How Trump Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations

How Trump Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations Online donors were guided into weekly recurring contributions. Demands for refunds spiked. Complaints to banks and credit card companies soared. But the money helped keep Donald Trump’s struggling campaign afloat. Continue Reading . . .

Donald Trump’s woes continue as the travel industry’s most important luxury travel agency has removed all Trump hotels and resorts from its network

Donald Trump’s woes continue as the travel industry’s most important luxury travel agency has removed all Trump hotels and resorts from its network What happens when the most powerful man in the world, aka President of the United States, loses his crowning glory? For former presidents like Obama, life has continued to be a sunny and gleeful road, but for Donald Trump, the bright road is replaced by a path with more roadblocks than he must’ve Continue Reading . . .

Trump as You’ve Never Seen Him Before

Trump as You’ve Never Seen Him Before A furniture maker and decorator in China created a stir — and inspired copycats — by casting a ceramic sculpture of the former president in a meditative pose that evokes the Buddha.There is no shortage of merchandise in China devoted to the former president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Continue Reading . . .

Twitter kept gaining new users after it banned Trump

Twitter kept gaining new users after it banned Trump Twitter doesn’t need Donald Trump to keep growing. The company said today that it ended 2020 with 192 million daily users, and the figure continued to grow in January — the month when Trump was banned from the platform. Continue Reading . . .

Trump's Last Day!

Trump's Last Day! Pie gives Trump the send-off he deserves with one last EPIC rant. For tickets to see Jonathan Pie : FAKE NEWS 2021 go to Continue Reading . . .

Parler Users Breached Deep Inside U.S. Capitol Building, GPS Data Shows

Parler Users Breached Deep Inside U.S. Capitol Building, GPS Data Shows At least several users of the far-right social network Parler appear to be among the horde of rioters that managed to penetrate deep inside the U.S. Continue Reading . . .

Some monster scraped Trump’s name into this poor manatee’s back

Some monster scraped Trump’s name into this poor manatee’s back Last week was a cacophony of horrible Trump-related news, but this is the one that hit home hardest for me: a manatee with his name scraped into its back was found in the headwaters of Florida’s Homosassa river (via Citrus County Chronicle). Continue Reading . . .

Notable Arrests After the Riot at the Capitol

Notable Arrests After the Riot at the Capitol Dozens have been charged in the days since a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, disrupting the certification of the 2020 presidential election results. On Wednesday, a mob of Trump supporters, encouraged by President Trump himself, converged on the U.S. Continue Reading . . .

A YouTube network was spreading election disinformation for two months

A YouTube network was spreading election disinformation for two months YouTube promised it would crack down on US election disinformation in early December, but it appear to have missed a large target. Continue Reading . . .

Trump returns to Twitter and promises a smooth transition of power

Trump returns to Twitter and promises a smooth transition of power Twitter has lifted its ban on President Donald Trump, and his latest tweet is very different than the ones we’ve seen for many months. Though he does not say he lost, his latest video feels like a concession speech. Continue Reading . . .

Millions of Americans lose jobless benefits as Trump refuses to sign aid bill

Millions of Americans lose jobless benefits as Trump refuses to sign aid bill PALM BEACH, Fla/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Millions of Americans saw their jobless benefits expire on Saturday after U.S. President Donald Trump refused to sign into law a $2.3 trillion pandemic aid and spending package, protesting that it did not do enough to help everyday people. Continue Reading . . .

Biden not getting intelligence reports because Trump officials won't recognize him as president-elect

Biden not getting intelligence reports because Trump officials won't recognize him as president-elect WASHINGTON —The Trump administration's unwillingness to acknowledge that former Vice President Joe Biden is projected to have won the election has led to an unusual restriction on the flow of national security information to the president-elect. Continue Reading . . .

Fox’s Arizona Call for Biden Flipped the Mood at Trump Headquarters

Fox’s Arizona Call for Biden Flipped the Mood at Trump Headquarters The Fox News decision left the president fuming, and his team complaining. Then he began casting aspersions on other states’ vote counts. Continue Reading . . .

Judge again blocks Trump administration push to ban WeChat in the US

Judge again blocks Trump administration push to ban WeChat in the US A judge in California has rejected a request from the Department of Justice to reverse a previous decision allowing WeChat to remain active in US app stores. Continue Reading . . .

How the Immune System of Older Adults Like Trump Weakens with Age

How the Immune System of Older Adults Like Trump Weakens with Age President Donald Trump’s announcement that he’s tested positive for COVID-19 is especially concerning because of his age. At 74 years old, Trump is solidly within an age group that’s been hit hard during the coronavirus pandemic. Continue Reading . . .

Judge orders Trump to reimburse Stormy Daniels for legal fees

Judge orders Trump to reimburse Stormy Daniels for legal fees A California Superior Court judge has ordered President Donald Trump to pay $44,100 to Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, to reimburse her attorneys’ fees in the legal battle surrounding her nondisclosure agreement. Continue Reading . . .

Trump Administration Completes Climate Dismantling with Methane Rollback

Trump Administration Completes Climate Dismantling with Methane Rollback EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced the final rollback of Obama-era methane rules during a trip yesterday to Pittsburgh. The move marked the culmination of a 3 ½-year struggle by the Trump administration to undo emissions rules established at the end of President Obama's second term. Continue Reading . . .