
Showing posts with the label Technology

Use #GoogleHome’s voice controls to play #Netflix – 

Use #GoogleHome ‘s voice controls to play #Netflix – via @engadget — Mike (@mikezmac) December 16, 2016 // from Twitter

Apple AirPods finally go on sale after two-month delay


#Netflix and #GooglePhotos Now Integrate with #GoogleHome

Android Central reports “Google launched its first ever smart home speaker called Google Home during an event held in San Francisco back in October, after announcing it during Google I/O over the Summer. At the time of launch, Google had promised that Google Home will be compatible with a wide range of third-party products ” …

Here Are the New Emoji Coming to Your iPhone (and How to Get Them) – TIME


What should Apple’s new product line be?

It’s basic economics that you don’t want to put all of your Apples into one basket. Right now Apple has one big basket called the iPhone. In my opinion the computers have taken a backseat to the iPhone. The iPod is pretty much going to go the way of the dodo bird. Apple has officially cut their Airport Time Capsule. So now what’s left is the Apple Watch tvOS and Apple Music. Is this enough to sustain the company? Yes they’ll survive, but is it enough to stay on top? Mobile phones and the smartphone market is pretty well saturated now. You can go OLED, more ram, more storage, other features such as retinal. But all in all it’s still a saturated market with everyone’s fingers in the till. I’d be very surprised if there’s anything revolutionary coming out anytime soon. Personally I think that AI will be the next big thing and that Google is on the right track. Being able to talk to the phone and get things accomplished is the next big thing. For example this entire post was written u