
Showing posts with the label Russian

Russia Is Leaking Data Like a Sieve

Russia Is Leaking Data Like a Sieve Names, birthdays, passport numbers, job titles—the personal information goes on for pages and looks like any typical data breach. But this data set is very different. Continue Reading . . .

Apple halts product sales in Russia

Apple halts product sales in Russia Apple has paused sales of its physical products in Russia following the invasion of Ukraine, according to a statement from the company. Continue Reading . . .

Apple will abide by Russian law by offering government-approved apps

Apple will abide by Russian law by offering government-approved apps Apple has reportedly agreed to show Russian users a prompt to preinstall some apps when they're first using an iPhone or other device. If a user doesn’t select one of the government-approved apps, it won’t be installed, according to newspaper Vedomosti. Continue Reading . . .

US intelligence agencies say Russia was likely behind the SolarWinds hack

US intelligence agencies say Russia was likely behind the SolarWinds hack America’s intelligence community has issued a joint statement naming Russia as the most likely source of the SolarWinds hack. Continue Reading . . .

Eighth person in trump Tower meeting is identified. Another Russian

" By  Rosalind S. Helderman  and  Tom Hamburger   July 18   A U.S.-based employee of a Russian real estate company took part in a June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between a Russian lawyer and Donald Trump Jr., bringing to eight the number of known participants at the session that has emerged as a key focus of the investigation of the Trump campaign’s interactions with Russians. " via Buffer