
Showing posts with the label Politics

Putin, Exxon, trump and the sanctions on Russia

Putin, Exxon, trump and the sanctions on Russia – by Michael Paixão Putin, Exxon, trump and the sanctions on Russia. Why appoint Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State and what is the reasons for Russia’s interference in the US elections?   Money is the driving force in the world. Oil is big money and has been for some time. Regardless of the environmental impact the world is married to fossil fuels. There is alternative energy however at this time it’s not as lucrative as fossil fuels so any legislature to facilitate the adoption of renewable energy is met with armies of lobbyists in order to stymie its adoption. The Obama administration had started the ball rolling towards the adoption of alternative energy but this has come to a stop under Trump’s Presidency. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) funding has already been halted. This was done in response to Trumps position the Climate Change is a hoax. By slowing the “alternative energy” movement this eliminates competition for

trump’s plan for energy independence sacrifices the environment via @engadget

Trump’s plan for energy independence sacrifices the environment via @engadget — Mike (@mikezmac) January 21, 2017 // from Twitter

Just what #Putin wanted. Puppet #trump suggests he would be open to lifting sanctions on Russia 

Trump suggests he would be open to lifting sanctions on Russia — Mike (@mikezmac) January 14, 2017 // from Twitter

#trump ‘not denying Russia was behind hacking campaign’, but trump Still wants to court #Putin


Lunatic #trump said, “let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all.” 

Lunatic #trump said, “let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all.” — Mike (@mikezmac) December 23, 2016

#Hacker breaches the US agency that certifies #voting machines 

#Hacker breaches the US agency that certifies #voting machines via @engadget — Mike (@mikezmac) December 17, 2016 // from Twitter

Energy Dept. rejects Trump’s request to name climate change workers, who remain worried

Reported by The Washington Post “President-elect donald trump is interviewed Saturday by Chris Wallace of “Fox News Sunday” in Trump Tower in New York. (Richard Drew/AP) Global warming — “it’s a hoax.” donald trump has said that more than once. So it’s understandable that the request by the president-elect’s transition team for the names of individual Energy Department employees and contractors who worked on the issue makes them worry that the trick could be on them……

Is trump’s Twitter account a national security threat? – Politico

Politico reports “donald trump has years of experience launching Twitter wars. But now, as he prepares to take the highest office in the country, there are growing fears that his tweets could spur a genuine national security crisis. Intelligence and defense specialists believe the president-elect’s use of the popular and powerful social media network is already being used by foreign agencies to analyze his personality, track his habits and detect clues about what to expect from a Trump-led American government.” ,. . . . .

donald #trump confirms he will violate Constitution his first day in office

Image ….. During a Fox News Sunday interview, President-elect donald trump confirmed that while he plans for his adult children to handle management of his sprawling business when he’s in office, he doesn’t plan to relinquish ownership. “When I ran, everybody knew that I was a very big owner of real estate all over the world,” trump said in an attempt to explain away the conflict of interest concerns surrounding his impending presidency. “I’m not going to have anything to do with management of the company.” …..

Donald Trump isn’t yet president, and the Hamilton Electors have one shot to make sure he never is

Image      With just days to go until the real election of 2016 — the Electoral College — the rogue faction known as the Hamilton Electors is making one last-ditch effort to save America from Donald Trump by denying him the 270 votes he’ll need to be officially named president.      But can the Hamilton Electors convince enough of their fellows in the Electoral College to view Gov. John Kasich of Ohio as our era’s George Washington?      Their leaders, who named their group after Federalist Paper No. 68, say it’s still possible that they’ll succeed.      First, though, a word about the rules of the game: In theory, the 306 electors committed to Trump and the 232 electors committed to Hillary Clinton are allowed to disregard the voters of their states, denying any candidate the 270-vote minimum needed to win the presidency, and force the election to be decided by the House of Representatives. This has already happened twice — in 1800, when they averted an Aaron Burr