
Showing posts with the label Living

If You Live to 100, You’ll Need More Than Money

If You Live to 100, You’ll Need More Than Money The number of centenarians in the U.S. is growing steadily. If you join them, you’ll need not just a robust retirement fund but also a plan, and a purpose. Dani Rizzo and Adam Hoyt are diligently saving for retirement. They’re putting away money each month and monitoring their investments. Continue Reading . . .

50 Unique End Tables That Add The Perfect Living Room Finish

" In front of the couch lies the coffee table; to the side the end table. Small, handy and often overlooked, the end table can add a point of interest or finishing touch to your living room’s interior. Have a lounge full of travel souvenirs? Place your latest read on a mandala table to relive old times. Can’t be bothered reaching that extra metre? Rest your tea or coffee cup on a rock-bottom, geometric, or Scandinavian-looking end table instead. Feel your living room furniture is a bit on the dull side? Spice it up with a peacock table. Take a gander at our top 50. " ... via Buffer