
Showing posts with the label Can

You Can Now Rent Pablo Escobar's Beachside Villa In Tulum

An escape to Mexico can take many different shapes. Of course, you may think of a criminal absconding across the border never to be heard from again, but you don't have to be a wanted man (or woman) to want a little escape. In the spirit of luxury, relaxation, and culture, hotelier Lio Malca has created the perfect setting for a short-term escape. Casa Malca is located just off the beach in Tulum and features 35 luxury rooms, decorated with hand-chosen art, as well as top notch cuisine and atmosphere. Most interestingly, before it was a hotel destination, this property was owned by notorious drug kingpin Pablo Escobar. via Buffer

Supreme Court: Grandparents can enter US despite travel ban

" Washington (CNN) In a loss for the Trump administration, the Supreme Court Wednesday left intact a lower court opinion that temporarily exempts grandparents and other relatives from President Donald Trump's travel ban. The justices did give Trump a partial win on another issue by lifting an order exempting a category of refugees from the travel ban. " via Buffer

Nevermore, or Tomorrow? Ravens Can Plan Ahead - Scientific American

" We have long known that ravens are no birdbrains. They have been spotted caching food for later,  gathering string  to pull up hanging food and even trying to deceive one another. A  study  published today in  Science  adds an especially impressive twist: Ravens can plan for future needs that they never encounter in nature, suggesting intelligence may arise predictably from conditions that occurred multiple times across the tree of life. ..." via Buffer

50 Insanely Useful Smart Home Products You Can Buy Right Now

50 Insanely Useful Smart Home Products You Can Buy Right Now " The smart home predicted by generations of sci-fi writers is finally becoming a reality – and some of the new devices out there fulfill even the most ambitious fantasies. While many of these  useful gadgets  remain in the realm of luxury, others are perfectly affordable and can start making your life easier right now. This super buyer's guide covers smart devices for every budget and every lifestyle, whether you're looking for simple objects like those fobs that track lost house keys or want to embrace the  smart home lifestyle  with the most advanced tech on the market. Look here for futuristic gifts for yourself or somebody you love! " via Buffer