
Showing posts with the label 50

How to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing

July 20, 2019 at 4:17:40PM ET marks exactly fifty years from when the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle touched down on the Moon. There are going to be events and activities galore to celebrate the anniversary, honor the historic achievement, and explore how the space program is preparing for the future. from

50 Insanely Useful Smart Home Products You Can Buy Right Now

50 Insanely Useful Smart Home Products You Can Buy Right Now " The smart home predicted by generations of sci-fi writers is finally becoming a reality – and some of the new devices out there fulfill even the most ambitious fantasies. While many of these  useful gadgets  remain in the realm of luxury, others are perfectly affordable and can start making your life easier right now. This super buyer's guide covers smart devices for every budget and every lifestyle, whether you're looking for simple objects like those fobs that track lost house keys or want to embrace the  smart home lifestyle  with the most advanced tech on the market. Look here for futuristic gifts for yourself or somebody you love! " via Buffer

50 Unique End Tables That Add The Perfect Living Room Finish

" In front of the couch lies the coffee table; to the side the end table. Small, handy and often overlooked, the end table can add a point of interest or finishing touch to your living room’s interior. Have a lounge full of travel souvenirs? Place your latest read on a mandala table to relive old times. Can’t be bothered reaching that extra metre? Rest your tea or coffee cup on a rock-bottom, geometric, or Scandinavian-looking end table instead. Feel your living room furniture is a bit on the dull side? Spice it up with a peacock table. Take a gander at our top 50. " ... via Buffer

See the face of a Self Radicalized Muslim killer, Omar Seddique Mateen. He killed 50 people in Orlando Florida and injured 53 more.

     It's hard not to be afraid when a Muslim person can self radicalize and without directive from ISIS go on a killing spree in the United States and have access to fully automatic weapons.      This is the face of  Omar Seddique Mateen